SPV Structuring

Capital Système Investissements is providing SPV structuring services with AMC (Actively Managed Certificate) that offer innovative and secure solutions for managing investments. Our approach ensures regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and confidentiality, allowing investors to benefit from a structured, risk-mitigated investment environment.

We tailor the structuration you need for your investments.

How it Works

Benefits of SPV Structuring with AMC

No Bank, No Credit Risk

Administration by Intertrust eliminates bank-related risks.

  • Segregated Cells

    Each cell is isolated, preventing cross-contamination of liabilities.

  • Confidentiality

    Investments and inflows are kept confidential through ISIN codes and the Charitable Trust.

  • Independent Legal Entities

    Each SPV operates as an independent legal entity, minimizing risks and ensuring the integrity of other SPVs.

For more information on our SPV Structuring services and how we can help secure and grow your investments, please contact us at investors@capitalsysteme.com.