Frequently Asked Questions
The AMC is for professional/qualified investors only (according to the regulations in force).
The minimum initial investment amount for professional/qualified investors is 100 000€. Incremental investments can be as low as one share of the AMC.
The reference currency for Uplift High-Yield European Growth is EUR. If you wish to subscribe in another currency (USD), you can (starting at 1 million). Contact us to subscribe in cryptocurrencies.
Investors can subscribe anytime during the week until Friday 16:00. Settlements are made every Monday morning.
No, the AMC is open-ended. It does not have a fixed maturity date. And because this is an Evergreen product with no vintage, investors can enter each week.
You can invest through your bank account. Provide the ISIN code to your private banker or go to your e-banking. Then click and trade. Ask your bank to open it in its system if the ISIN code is unavailable in your e-banking platform.
The objective is 10% per year net of fees. But as the debt is convertible into the underlying companies’ listed securities, we hope to provide a better return for investors.
The gross return for Uplift High-Yield European Growth is the net return plus 3% per year.
You can see the NAV on Bloomberg, Morningstar, HFR, and Citywire.
Management fee of Uplift–High Yield European Growth: 2% per annum of the current Basket Value.
Advisor fee: 0.5% per annum of the current Basket Value (Uplift High Yield European Growth only).
Administration fee: maximum 0.5% per annum of the current Basket Value.
Redemption fees: 2.5% paid to the AMC, goes into the NAV.
Performance fee: 20% over 10% hurdle rate.Deductions of the AMC Fees are made daily to the Basket Value.
If your account is in Switzerland, you will pay a stamp duty of 0.15%.
Your bank may charge brokerage fees when you buy/sell a share of the AMC.
A performance fee of 20% applies when the hurdle rate (10%) is exceeded. The calculation is made daily to verify if the hurdle rate is exceeded and if a performance fee applies. The performance fee is calculated on the net performance (the daily NAV). If the difference between the day's NAV and the previous day's NAV presents a return exceeding 10%, a performance fee is applied to the portion exceeding 10%.
These fees go into the AMC to protect the long-term investors.
Capital is amortized every month. Coupons are also paid monthly to the AMC, which increases the NAV’s value.
The AMC is not subject to market volatility because it is not listed. Performance increases steadily every month because issuers repay the principal and interest monthly.
The recommended investment period is 24/36 months because the bonds’ tenure is up to 36 months.
No, you can redeem daily. Settlement is once a month.
Redemption is executed at the end of each month. Exercise notice for redemption can be sent by your bank to the Swiss paying agent no later than the last working day of the month at 15:00 local Zurich time. Exercise notices received after that time will become effective on the following business day and be settled on the last business day of the subsequent month.
Yes. But at each month's end, the cash available for redemption represents about 5% of the total value of the assets under management.
A gate system will be put in place. Investors will be reimbursed on a first-come, first-serve basis because cash enters the AMC with the issuers' monthly capital and coupon repayment.
We propose our AMC’s investors to co-invest with us in selected companies. There is a minimum of 1 million euros of investment into our AMCs to access direct investment possibilities in your chosen company.
First, we call the trustee. Then, bonds will be converted into existing shares. Shares will be sold on liquid markets (DBörse, Euronext, SIX). The issuers pay all costs. It usually takes 30 to 60 days for the AMC to return the money.
Investors will receive their investment and interest payment once all the underlying notional basket components have been liquidated.
The underlying assets are private corporate bonds issued by small and mid-cap European companies, potentially convertible into equity, with a target IRR of 10–20% per year and a tenure of 4 to 36 months.
Investing in private debt provides good returns with low volatility. The timeline is clearly defined, volatility is extremely low (because the AMCs are not listed), and returns are attractive and secured.
We are not ESG-certified yet. But over 50% of the underlying assets are green or impact bonds.
We mitigate risk with collateral and good diversification. All the underlying bonds are secured. And we aim to invest in 10 to 15 companies in the AMC Uplift High-Yield European Growth.
The underlying bonds are not guaranteed but secured. They are secured by the share capital of the managers, founders, or the family owning the company to which we lend money in the form of bonds. In some cases, we also use trust money as a guarantee. In a trust, the trustee (officially appointed Représentant de la Masse des Obligataires (with Capitals)) will pay the AMC if the company does not.
Issuers are disruptive industry leaders. We help them grow with the money we contribute.
The timeline is clearly defined. The maximum duration of the underlying bonds is 36 months. But most have a tenure of 24 months.
No, we invest in listed companies.
Deal sourcing comes from private equity and private debt funds, Euronext, listing sponsors, broker-dealers, law firms, and private banks. We have developed a strong network of professionals since 2001.
Companies are chosen after a thorough due-diligence process executed internally and externally (with a partner). We also do a background check of the managers with an intelligence agency. The companies are public. So, the process is transparent.
We focus on liquidity and clear market rules. So, we favor Euronext, Deutsche Börse, and SIX.
We have a shortlist of potential companies in which to invest. Investments in private bonds are made when cash is available in the AMC.
We aim to invest in private bonds to avoid volatility in the NAV. But we may invest in listed bonds if there is a market opportunity.
The AMC is a bond product. But we can invest in the equity of the companies we finance with bonds.
We prefer to invest in a convertible debt instrument to convert and provide a better return to our investors. But this is not always feasible. So, we try to obtain a higher interest rate when the debt is not convertible.
We do this when a company’s life event justifies the conversion and permits us to offer investors a better return.
Bonds are convertible into shares after a defined period (usually six to 18 months after the issuance). The conversion is made with a 15% to 30% discount on the stock market price. It can thus contribute to increasing the Internal Rate of Return (IRR).