Response to allegations from VERSITY company
Capital Système Investissements (“CSI”) is astonished by the content of this communication from Versity, which evidently does not reflect the reality of the ongoing legal proceedings, which were initiated by CSI.

Algreen Announces Advanced Discussions with Several Companies
ALGREEN (Euronext Growth Paris, Ticker : ALGRE- ISIN : FR001400IV58) informs the market about the progress made in implementing its new development strategy.

Crossing of Ownership Thresholds in ALGREEN by ASSET SEGREGATED 47
ALGREEN (Euronext Growth Paris, Ticker: ALGRE - ISIN: FR001400IV58) informs the market that the AMC (Actively Managed Certificate) Asset Segregated #47, represented by Capital Système Investissements S.A., has declared surpassing several ownership thresholds by conversion of "Green Bonds."

Capital Système Investissements acts as arranger of the first bond issuance on the blockchain for Metavisio
Metavisio, a company that creates the computers of tomorrow, high performance, and disruptive design, announced today that it has issued the first tranche of USDC 2 million on the Polygon blockchain with Obligate, the leading on-chain capital markets platform.

Capital Système Investissements empowers METAVISIO's growth strategy through innovative funding arrangement
METAVISIO, a leading French company specializing in IT solutions, is implementing an innovative equity funding plan called the Program of Capital Increase over Time (PACT®) in collaboration with Alpha Blue Ocean, the esteemed investor.

AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth: Nº1 on Citywire
The AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth, managed by Capital Système Investissements, is ranked 1 out of 69 in the Europe High Yield category over 12 months at Citywire Selector, with a +21.2% return.

AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth: Nº1 on Citywire
The AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth, managed by Capital Système Investissements, is ranked 1 out of 71 in the Europe High Yield category over 12 months at Citywire Selector, with a +14.8% return.

Two convertible bond issues for Les Agences de Papa
Capital Système Investissements acts as arranger and book-runner of two convertible bond issues for Les Agences de Papa, a PropTech that develops Versity, a metaverse dedicated to real estate.

1 Year Anniversary of AMC Uplift HYEG
The Certificate Uplift High Yield European Growth is celebrating its one-year anniversary. This is an excellent opportunity to reflect on what has been achieved.

Convertible bond issue of EUR 3m in the form of Green Bond for Les Constructeurs du Bois
Capital Système Investissements acts as arranger and bookrunner of a convertible bond issue of EUR 3m in the form of Green Bond for Les Constructeurs du Bois, a real estate developer specializing in wood construction and bio-sourced materials.

Convertible bond issue of EUR 3m in the form of "Green Bond" for Algreen Group
ALGREEN Group, specialized in multi-activity agri-food, with a strategy of integrating companies, industries and brands within the same group while favoring traditional and innovative SMEs in the context of the ecological transition, announced today that it has signed a private placement agreement of 3 million euros in convertible bonds in the form of “Green Bond” with UPLIFT High Yield European Growth.

CSI President’s Interview on BFM Business
Gilles-Emmanuel Trutat was invited by BFM Business on their “Classe Affaires” series to discuss with Victoire Sikora the history of Capital Système Investissements S.A, why invest in private debt and AMC - Uplift High Yield European Growth, which shows how to invest securely into promissing companies such as THOMSON COMPUTING / METAVISIO, Les Constructeurs du Bois, Algreen, Les Agences de Papa.

+6.23% November 2022 Uplift High Yield European Growth AMC
The Certificate High Yield European Growth maintains at the end of November 2022 a solid performance of +6.23% since inception (February 2022) with still a very low volatility (0.26%).

AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth Ranked Nº1 in Citywire Selector
AMC Uplift High Yield European Growth is Ranked 1 out of 74 in Europe High Yield over 3 months at Citywire Selector, with +2.4% return.

Laetitia Maffei rejoint Capital Système Investissements
Formée à l’école du Louvre et en droit des affaires, experte reconnue dans le monde de l’art, Laetitia Maffei a été la première en Europe à lancer une plateforme de NFT.

Capital Système Investissements lève 22 millions d’euros pour Group Sfit-Thomson
L’intermédiaire financier présidé par Gilles-Emmanuel Trutat a structuré une dette privée en obligations convertibles avec un rendement de 14% sur 36 mois.

Capital Système Investissements raises euro 22 million for GROUP SFIT-THOMSON in Convertible Bonds with a yield of 14% over 36 months
Capital Système Investissements raises euro 22 million for GROUP SFIT-THOMSON in Convertible Bonds with a yield of 14% over 36 months

Capital Système Investissements announces today the early repayment of a private debt of EUR 1.4m raised in May 2019 for KAIROS
Capital Système Investissements announces today the early repayment of a private debt of EUR 1.4m raised in May 2019 for KAIROS, a major player in luxury real estate, to finance a property located in Biarritz. This villa, sold at a price higher than the estimates (sale estimated 3.2m EUR and carried out at the price of 4.4m EUR), takes place 12 months before the initially scheduled debt maturity.

DRONE VOLT renforce ses fonds propres et diminue fortement son endettement pour poursuivre sa dynamique de développement
DRONE VOLT, expert en intelligence artificielle embarquée et constructeur de drones civils professionnels, annonce le succès d’une augmentation de capital de 3,71 millions d’euros pour soutenir l’accélération de son activité commerciale à l’international et poursuivre le programme de désendettement engagé par le Groupe depuis le début de l’année. Ainsi, DRONE VOLT renforce sa structure financière afin d’accompagner sa dynamique de développement.